Annual Reports and Bylaws

North London Mill Preservation, Inc. 


A Colorado 501(c)(3) non-profit organization
EIN 81-5191907

Annual Reports, beginning with the most recent

2021 Annual Report

2020 Annual Report


North London Mill Preservation, Inc. 

A Colorado 501(c)(3) 

Financial Statement 

January 1, 2020-December 31, 2020 



Grants - Capital $268,663.50 

Grants Programming       5,000.00 

Social Media Fundraising $    3,675.20 

Donations 15,075.17 

Memberships $    1,078.56 

2020 TOTAL INCOME $293,492.43 




Capital Expenses $279,495.90 

Programming Expenses $    6,375.22 

Rent & Lease $           1.00 

Insurance $    2,894.09 

Professional Memberships/Training $         70.00 

Vehicle Expenses $    1,399.25 

Advertising $       487.25 

Bank and Other Fees $       291.36 

Printing & Postage $       298.76 

Internet $       637.37 

Supplies, Tools, Equipment $       762.51 

Tax Preparations $    1,300.00 

Entertainment /Networking $       424.53 

Travel $       327.96 

2020 TOTAL EXPENSES $294,765.20 


Balances January 1, 2020 

  • Capital Account $12,712.35 

  • Operating Account 1,625.89  

  • PayPal $     196.00 

TOTAL $14,534.24 



Balances December 31, 2020 

  • Capital Account $  7,332.74 

  • Operating Account 5,265.34   

  • PayPal $     227.88 

  • Cash $     435.52 

TOTAL $13,261.47 


2019 Annual Report 


Projects Completed 


  1. Foundation and exterior framing for North London Office 

  1. Construction Documents for stabilization of the North London Mill 

  1. Survey and engineering and environmental assessments for North Mosquito Creek Crossing 

  1. History and Archaeology Workshops 

  1. Partnership with Colorado Adventure Guides to provide backcountry education and avalanche awareness courses 


Grant Funding Awarded 


  1. History Colorado State Historical Fund $153,991 

  1. Colorado Gates Family Foundation $48,330 

  1. Park County Land and Water Trust Fund $19,887 

  1. South Park National Heritage Area $7983 

  1. Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining, and Safety $1539 


Grants Submitted 


  1. History Colorado State Historical Fund $152,867 

  1. Colorado Gates Family Foundation $25,000 

  1. JM McDonald Foundation $25,000 

  1. Park Country Land and Water Trust Fund $77,524 

  1. Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining, and Safety $8461 


Grants - Capital $201,850.50 

Grants  Educational Programming $    7,983.00 

Events  $    1,892.73 

Crowdsource Fundraising  $    4,837.65 

Donations $    2,682.89 

Memberships $       480.00 

Auto Sale $       850.00 

TOTAL INCOME  $220,576.77 





Capital Expenses  $192,649.60 

Program Expenses  $    6,985.76 

Rent & Lease  $           1.00 

Insurance  $    1,574.97 

Legal $       100.00 

Licenses & Permits  $       880.00 

Professional Memberships/Training $         80.00 

Vehicle Expenses  $    3,144.50 

Bookkeeping $         60.00 

Printing & Supplies $       344.28 

Postage & PO Box $       182.08 

Advertising/Promotional  $       237.71  

Fundraising Expense  $       730.77 

Entertainment /Networking $       304.80 

Travel $       244.96 

Loan Payback to Jeff Crane $    2,890.92 

TOTAL EXPENSES   $210,815.85 



January 1, 2019 bank balance           $4,731.10 

December 31, 2019 bank balance    $14,534.24 


2018 Annual Report—Activities Summary 

In its second year of operation, North London Mill Preservation, Inc. has made considerable progress in pursuit of our mission to plan, finance, preserve, and manage the historic buildings of the North London Mill site, rehabilitating them for backcountry recreation and education. 

North London Office 
  • Receipt of SHF grant to stabilize office (submitted April 1, awarded June 1–$35,000) 
  • Stabilization of NoLo Office – October 2018 
  • Received SHF grant October 1 for $153,991, awarded December 1 to work on exterior of the office. 

North London Mill 
  • Coordinated HSA work with Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety (DMRS) 
  • DMRS secured federal funds to stabilize the NoLo Mill 
  • Completed Historic Structure Assessment (HSA) of Mill—December  
  • Received SHF grant October 1 for $153,991, awarded December 1 to produce construction documents for critical elements of the Mill  

History and Archaeology Workshops  
  • H&A Workshop prep in early June 2018, discovered archaeological features not discernible when AAC did site survey because of vegetation growth by late summer—plans to expand the recording in a future grant, doing the work as soon as snow melts at the site. 
  • History and Archaeology Workshops (August 2018) 30 participants 

Ski Tours 
  • NoLo organized and led several informal ski tours to the site.  

Volunteer Work Days 
  • Volunteer work days; clearing willows, preliminary clean-up of Office, site work, and stabilization of office. 

  • Fundraisers (South Park BrewingRocky Mountain Underground, Festival in the Clouds) 
  • Online fundraising

Board of Directors  
  • Board changes—Wynn Miller, chair; Beau Paisley joined the board 
  • Kate McCoy and Jeff Crane are no longer board members; it was determined they could better serve the organization as Executive Co-Directors. 


2017 Annual Report

North London Mill Preservation, Inc. was established on February 1, 2017 with the assistance of attorney Ken Ransford, who has generously continued to advise us as this project has taken shape. In our first year, we made significant progress pursuing our mission to plan, finance, preserve, and manage the historic buildings of the North London Mill site, rehabilitating them as backcountry accommodations.

Early Spring 2017, we held a fundraiser at the Alma Town Hall at which we raised over $1,000 from the local community, which helped offset some of our start-up costs. We spent considerable time researching digital archives of the Fairplay Flume, other newspaper archives in the Denver Public Library, and sources in the Park County Local History Archives to learn more about the London Mines, in general, and the history of the North London Mill site, in particular. This work was important preparation for our nomination of the site for Park County Local Landmark status, the first step in qualifying the site for grant monies from the History Colorado State Historical Fund.

Near the end of June, we submitted our initial draft of the nomination and met with the Park County Historic Preservation Advisory Committee (PCHPAC) in July. The PCHPAC encouraged us to conduct an archaeological site survey to determine the boundary of the site and the resources within it. They helped fund the survey with a $2000 grant. The Alma Foundation generously granted us $500 for the survey. We raised the remaining funds in a Facebook campaign with a pledge to match donations up to $1000 from our friend and supporter Niles Emerick. Thirty-five plus individuals donated more than the $1000 match and Emerick’s employer, Apple, Inc., matched his contribution, fully funding the archaeological site survey.

Also in July, we did some work to secure the NoLo site, posting signs, installing a security light and a barrier to the access road. We had a booth Burro Days in Fairplay, where we had the opportunity to present our project to the public, answer questions, and raise funds. We held a formal meeting of the Board of Directors on July 27, 2017 at the South Park Saloon.

Jon Horn of Alpine Archaeological Consultants conducted the archaeological site survey in late August 2017. Local historian Jerry Davis discovered the original 1893 mineral plat for the site. We resubmitted our nomination of the North London Mill site to the PCHPAC, which was approved on September 16, 2017 and signed by Mike Brazell, chair of the Park County Commissioner on September 21, 2017. Around this time we also secured a 50-year lease with MineWater Finance LLC for the historically designated site, the term necessary to apply for grants from the History Colorado State Historical Fund (SHF).

On October 1, 2017, in partnership with preservation architect Jessica Reske of Form+Works Design Group, we submitted grants totaling $243,270 for the rehabilitation of the North London Office to the SHF and the Gates Family Foundation. We were awarded $60,000 from the Gates Family Foundation contingent upon award from the SHF. On February 1, 2018, we were notified by History Colorado that funding was not approved. Two of the reviewers of our application recommended funding, while the other two did not. All of the reviewers were encouraging and gave excellent feedback and suggestions to improve our application.  Because of the timing of the review process, none of the reviewers appeared to have been aware that we had secured $60,000 in matching funds from the Gates Family Foundation. We resubmitted a scaled-down version of the Office grant to the SHF for the April 1, 2018 grant round (pending). The Gates Family Foundation agreed to extend our deadline for securing SHF funding through 2019.

We submitted a non-competitive application for an Historic Structure Assessment (HSA) in the amount of $15,000 for the North London Mill on October 17, 2017. We were notified in December 2017 that we were awarded the grant. Form+Works Design Group will begin the work on the assessment in May and June of 2018 when the snow melts on the road to the Mill.

We led several ski-touring expeditions to the site during the winter of 2017. With each, our knowledge and understanding of the potential of the site for backcountry snowsports grew. And with the 2017-18 season now behind us and several more tours this past season, we now have a much better awareness of the specifics of access, snowpack, conditions, and terrain. The takeaway is that the NoLo site offers excellent backcountry skiing/riding opportunities, with plenty of low-consequence terrain, perfect for backcountry education, right in our backyard. Visitors to the site have been stunned by the beauty of the setting and the uniqueness of the architectural remains.

It is the stunning, iconic nature of the NoLo site that first inspired this project. It is almost as if the site itself had a desire to become something, and we are merely following the logic of that desire - as a sculptor seems to discover the sculpture in a block of stone.

We are grateful to our Board of Directors as well as the many agencies and  individuals who have supported this project. First and foremost, we are grateful to Joseph Harrington, President of MineWater Finance, LLC, for his openness to our imaginings and his cooperation. Lisa Rucker at Gates Family Foundation. We are thankful to the many Park County officials who have supported our efforts, especially Gary Nichols, Director for Recreation Development, John Deegan, County Planner, and Cindy Jones, GIS Specialist. Thanks to the people of Alma, Town Administrator Nancy Comer, The Alma Foundation, and Josh Voorhis USFS Park County Ranger.

There are many more people to thank, and we will try to list them all at the end of this report. 

It has been an incredible first year for NoLo. As we write, our second year is shaping up to be an exciting one, with an Historic Structure Assessment of the Mill and initial work on the NoLo Office rehabilitation planned for the summer. No doubt, there are challenges ahead - some of which we know about, some that will surprise us. We’ll just keep doing the next thing.

Jeff Crane & Kate McCoy
President and Vice-President
North London Mill Preservation, Inc.

Board of Directors
Wynn Miller, Colorado Springs
Dean Misantoni, Alma
Bonnie Paffenroth, Alma

Our deepest gratitude to these sponsors and major donors:

Al-mart, Alma (Corey and Karen!)
Breckenridge Distillery, Breckenridge (Michael Neff!)
High Alpine Sports, Fairplay
High Country Healing, Alma
Mountain Outfitters, Breckenridge (Cindy and Doug!)
South Park Brewing, Fairplay
South Park Saloon, Alma (Anouk and Larry!)
Upslope Brewing Company, Boulder
Wilderness Sports, Silverthorne

Minette Doss, Alma
Niles Emerick, Denver/Alma
Thomas Guerin, New Jersey
Paul Robbins, Madison, Wisconsin

And all those who generously supported this project in 2017!
Jeffrey Albaugh
Danetta Armm
Steve Bain
Frederick Baldwin
Bennett Baruch
David Berenson
Kakali Bhattacharya
Christina Boniface
Steven Busch
Bob Buzas
Corinne Carey
Eammon Carleton
Bryan Carter
Nancy Conrad
Mike Crane
Pamela Criswell
Robert Cruickshank
Kenneth Finn
Josef Gillers
Chris Haller
Daliah Heller
Philip Houghton
Roman Hrab
David Jones
Aaron Kalisher
Phillip Key
Kenneth Kimball
Kristi LaBarge
Steven Lilly
Pam Logan
Natalie Lord
Teresa Lukacko
Gregory Merryweather
Wayne Montecalvo
Bernadette Morris
Jonathan Noll
Luke Palmatier
Greg Paquin
Adam Pizer
Glen Quinette
Harvey Road
Anne Karine Sandberg
Lisa Sayers
Alexa Scully
Jason Skolak
Jerald Stein
Ed Stroup
Hal Trifon
Sue Weller
Renee Werntges
Keith Woods
Christie Wright